jueves, 30 de abril de 2015

Pure Ice Polishes - Simple Swatches/Review

As if the "Butterfly Effects" was not enough, Pure Ice were very generous by sending me these 5 polishes as well. 3 'glint' polishes, 1 glitter and a matte topcoat (crying face) OMG! I can't believe I finally, finally have one.. And I still don't know what to do with it.. Of course it will be used very soon... 

martes, 28 de abril de 2015

Pure Ice "Butterfly Effects" Part 2 - Over White Base.

Second part of my review about this iridescent polishes from Pure Ice "Butterfly Effects" Collection. 

Segunda parte de mi reseña sobre estos esmaltes iridiscentes de Pure Ice "Butterfly Effects" Collection (Efecto Mariposa).

Let's start with "Shimmer-wings Iris". This one is absolutely my favorite whether over a black or a white base. 
This time I did 2 thin coats over the middle nail.
Using striping tape, I did a double V french tip on my index and something else over my pinky, like an X french tip?. (I need to name my manis more often...).  Anyway I loved it. 

Empezemos con "Shimmer-wings Iris). Este es absolutamente mi favorito ya sea sobre una base negra o blanca.
Esta vez use 2 capas ligeras sobre la uña del medio. 
Con cinta para uña, hice una doble francesa en V en mi indice y algo diferente sobre el meñique, como una francesa en X?. (Necesito nombrar mis manicuras mas seguido...) De cualquier forma me encanta. 

close up
On my accent nail I used these butterfly decals that came in the same pack with the polishes. I placed the decal and painted over it one coat of "Shimmer-wings Iris". A picture says a thousand words. Amazing.
So, over the white base you can clearly see the sheer teal base color of the polish but harded to capture the iridescent effect, and with the black base or in this case over the butterfly, the effect is captured perfectly, but the teal sheer base is not shown. 

En mi uña de acento use un tatu temporal de mariposa que vino en el mismo paquete con los esmaltes. Pegue la mariposa y pinte una capa sobre toda la uña. Una imagen dice mas que mil palabras. Hermoso.
Asi, sobre el esmalte blanco se puede ver el color verde azulado del esmalte pero es mas dificil de capturar su efecto, y sobre una base negra o en este caso sobre la mariposa, el efecto se ve a la perfeccion pero no se ve su color base original. 


Here we have "Shimmer-wings Rose". 2 coats over my middle nail. On my index and pinky I did the same X french tip using striping tape. 

Aqui tenemos "Shimmer-wings Rose". 2 capas sobre la uña del medio. En mi indice y meñique hice la misma francesa en forma de X usando cinta para uña. 

On my accent nail, I used the butterfly decal and painted one coat over the entire nail. 
As you can see the sheer lilac shade can be seen over the white base and  the gold flakes pop more over the black. 

En mi uña de acento use un tatu de mariposa y pinte una capa sobre toda la uña. 
Y como pueden ver el color lila  sobre el esmalte blanco y  las escarchas doradas resaltan aun mas sobre el negro. 

In this collection there are 3 available and they will release in May. 
"Shimmer-wings Iris"
"Shimmer-wings Rose"
"Shimmer-wings Jasmine"

I recieved 2, and I believe the third one is amazing as well.
I thing both of these are really great but if I had to choose a favorite I will say "Iris" 

En esta coleccion hay 3 esmaltes disponibles y seran lanzados en Mayo. 
"Shimmer-wings Iris"
"Shimmer-wings Rose" 
"Shimmer-wings Jasmine"

Yo recibi 2, y creo que el tercero tambien sera asombroso. 
Yo creo que ambos esmaltes son hermosos pero si tengo que elegir un favorito es "Iris"

weird skin tone!
 In this macro shot I had to edit the brightness a little to accurate the color on the nail. since i was using white base, the picture was too dazzling, it doesn't matter what i couldn't take a perfect picture. So I had to dark it and there you can see the shifting color over the white. 
Here the flakes go from a light green to purple, pink, a hint of gold and back to light green. 

En este macro tuve que editar el brillo para llegar al color correcto en la uña, ya que usaba un esmalte blanco, la foto salia muy deslumbrante, no importa lo que hiciera no pude tomar una buena foto. Asi que la tuve que oscurecer un poco y ahi lo tienen, el cambio sobre el blanco. Aqui la escarcha cambia de un verde claro, morado, rosado y regresa al verde. 

 In this macro shot, not a very clear picture I say. The flakes go from lilac to a silvery white but in fact is gold. I have no idea what happened here (haha)... The gold flakes pops more over the black. 

En este macro, no muy buena la foto que digamos, la escacrcha va de lila a un blanco plateado, pero en realidad es dorado. No tengo ni la mas minima idea de lo que paso aqui (haha).. Las escarchas resaltan mas sobre el negro. 

I really hope you like this quick review. 
Have a great day.

Espero les haya gustado esta reseña
Que tengan un buen dia.

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lunes, 27 de abril de 2015

Pure Ice "Butterfly Effects" Part 1 - Over Black Base.

I received these polishes from Pure Ice to review them for you. This is a new collection called "Butterfly Effects" and will release in May. 

Recibi estos esmaltes de Pure Ice para hacerles una reseña. Esta es una nueva coleccion llamada "Butterfly Effects" (Efecto Mariposa" y se lanzara en Mayo. 

First one is "Shimmer-wings Iris". Is a sheer teal based color with macro lilac flakes with an iridescent effect. I tried it first over a black base, one coat on the middle finger and a diagonal french tip on index and pinky. 

Primero es "Shimmer-wings Iris". Es un esmalte semi transparente, su color base de un tono verde azulado con micro escarchas de color lila con un efecto iridiscente. Lo probe primero sobre una base negra, en el medio tengo una sola capa y una francesa diagonal en el dedo indice y meñique. 

This flakes shift  purple, pink and gold. Its really gorgeous. 

Estas pequeñas escarchas cambia de morado a rosado y dorado. Es realmente hermoso. 

On my accent nail I have 2 butterfly decals that came in the pack with these 2 polishes, the bottom one has its wings painted with "Shimmer-wings Iris". You can see a little of the teal color over the white base. 

En mi uña de acento tengo 2 tatus temporales que llegaron en el paquete con estos 2 esmaltes, la de abajo tiene sus alas pintadas con "Shimmer-wings Iris". Ahi pueden ver un poco del color verde azulado sobre una base blanca. 

Next one is "Shimmer-wings Rose" Is a lilac sheer base with macro gold flakes. 
This one doesn't have that much iridescent effect, but still pretty. 
Same as previous just one coat over the middle nail and a diagonal french tip on index and pinky.

El que sigue es "Shimmer-wings Rose" es un esmalte de base transparente lila con micro escarcha dorada. 
Este no tiene mucho el efecto iridiscente, pero sigue siendo bello.
Al igual que el anterior, solo una capa sobre la uña del medio y una francesa en diagonal sobre el indice y meñique. 

I still don't know how to describe these colors.. I guess this shifts from gold to a hint of green maybe? 

Todavia no se como describir estos colores.. Creo que este cambia de dorado a un toque de verde talvez? 

On my accent nail the butterfly on top has its wings painted with "Shimmer-wings Rose" and you can see a little of the lilac over a white base. 

En mi uña de acento la mariposa de arriba tiene las alas pintadas con "Shimmer-wing Rose" ahi pueden ver un poco del color lila sobre una base blanca. 

close up

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lunes, 20 de abril de 2015

Beach Scene Nails

It has been a while since I painted a scene on my nails... And now it's a good time since I saw these wavy vinyls from Snail Vinyls

jueves, 16 de abril de 2015

Triangular Vortex Nails

Second attempt using these cute vinyls and its a complete success.

lunes, 13 de abril de 2015

Mix And Match - Snail Vinyls Review!

I felt so happy when Aveline, the owner of Snail Vinyls contacted me to review her products. 
These are nail guides 'vinyls' to help create some designs in no time, no specific tools or thin brushes. they come in so many different designs that was hard to pick one to start.
They came in an envelop and it included 18 vinyls sheets, 2 cards, a personal letter (so chic) and instructions.  

domingo, 12 de abril de 2015

My Little Pony Inspired Nails

My Little Pony!

This is something I have been planing to do since last year.. And I'm proud to say that my very first project is finished!. Nails inspired by a very popular cartoon "My Little Pony", and this goes for my beautiful daughter because she loves it...

viernes, 3 de abril de 2015

Simple Dotti-Glitter Gradient

Today's mani had only the purpose to swatch it for you. And I wanted to try a "bobblicure" but it did not turned out as I spected. 

El diseño de hoy tenia solo el proposito de una muestra. Y quize intentar un "bobblicure" pero no resulto como quize. 

Let's start with the base color as usual. 
This is "You're Such A Budapest". It's a periwinkle-purple shade with a very subtle soft shimmer. I loved this color as I saw it, it's really gorgeous. 
Its formula was good, but a bit sheer and thin, since it has a creamy finish, I added 4 thin coats to get full opacity. After the fourth coat I noticed that there were some brush strokes left as the creamy and thick polishes tend to be. I thought I would get disappointed, but after it dried it had a smooth finish, no strokes seen. No topcoat added. 

Empezemos con el color base como siempre. 
Este es "You're Such A Budapest". Es un color bigaro con un sutil toque de escarcha. Me gusto mucho este color asi que lo vi, es en realidad hermoso. 
Su formula estuvo bien, pero un poco traslucida y aguada, siendo que tenga un acabado cremoso, aqui ven 4 capas ligeras para llegar a la opacidad total. Luego de la cuarta capa note que aun habian marcas de brocha como algunos esmaltes cremosos y espesos tienden a ser. Pense que me iba a desepcionar, pero luego que seco tuvo un acabado mas liso y no mas marcas vistas. Sin topcoat!

On my accent nail I tried the "bobblicure" technique using this loose glitter by Violet Voss "Rayne" mixed with a clear polish. But since it did not turned out as I spected I ended up creating a Dotti-Glitter gradient and it looks kind of cute... 

En mi uña de acento intente la tecnina de "Bobblicure" usando esta escarcha suelta de Violet Voss "Rayne" mezclado con esmalte transparente. Pero no resulto como esperaba asi que termine creando un degrade de puntos escarchados y se ve algo lindo... 

Now take a look at this angle, it has this 3D effect it's really cool. In this case I did not add topcoat. 

Ahora miren desde este angulo, tiene este efecto 3D se ve muy bien. En este caso yo no aplique topcoat. 

rayne glitter
Quick Tip:
The loose glitter are so much easier to remove than a regular glitter polish. 

Estas escarchas sueltas so mucho mas faciles de remover que un esmalte escarchado regular. 

that shimmer!

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