jueves, 25 de febrero de 2016

Enchanted Mirror - Vintage Frame Nails ft. Daily Charme

Creativity has no limit. 
I'm really into 3D nail art lately =D 
So unique
For today a vintage enchanted mirror, I don't know how this came to my mind but I am glad it did haha .. Love how this turned out. 

lunes, 22 de febrero de 2016

Crystal Ball? + Born Pretty Store

When I first saw this little crystal ball I thought it was smaller.. 
I took me a while to figure out what should I do with it, so gave an attempt with flakies. 
I was also laughing when I did this because it looks so funny but at the same time looks pretty..

Elegant Embellished Nails - (L.A. Colors Review + Swatches) & Born Pretty Store

I forgot how big this charm was haha.. But still super gorgeous.
The first time I used a similar one was when I reviewed for Born Pretty Store for the second time.
Check it out BornPrettyStore Review 2 - Part 2 

Simple Sideway Flakies - L.A. Colors Review + Swatch

Simple mani for today.
Almost finishing the L.A. Colors swatches, still have 3 more .. 
Sideway flakies nails. 

Algo muy simple para hoy.
Ya casi termino los swatches de L.A. Colors, aun me faltan 3 .. 

The base color I used for this mani is "Untamed" is a brigh pink shade. 
This one covers in 2 or 3 coats, depending on how you apply your coats.
I needed 3
Formula is a little bit jelly, I still have struggle with the wide brush but I'm getting used to it. 

El color base que use es "Untamed" este es un rosa tipo neon, muy brillante. 
Este cubre con 2 o 3 capas dependiendo de como lo apliques.
Yo necesite 3
Formula es un poco tipo 'jelly' (gelatinoso), todavia tengo problemas con la brocha ancha pero ya me estoy acostumbrando.

For thumb and pinkie nails I used "Radiance" by OPI
This is a shimmery silver polish. 
Got it at HB-Beauty Bar
I was a little disappointed when I received this polish, it looked different in the catalog. I thought it was going to be like more in the textured side, but ended up being a regular silver polish. 
I am not very fan of metallic polishes and much less if it is silver. 
Here I did 2 coats. 

Para las uñas del pulgar y meñique use "Radiance" de OPI 
Es un esmalte plateado escarchado. 
Lo compre en HB-Beauty Bar. 
Con este si me decepcione un poco cuando recibi el esmalte, se veia diferente en el catalogo. Yo crei que seria un poco mas texturado, pero resulto ser un esmalte plateado regular.
No soy fan de los colores metalicos mucho menos cuando son plateados. 
Aqui use 2 capas. 

Also used some silver flakies and placed them on the sides of the nails. I didn't know what to do here so I made something simple. 

Tambien use estas escarchitas y las coloque a los lados de las uñas. No sabia que hacer aqui asi que lo deje simple.

I used 'Frosting" topcoat by L.A. Colors.
I do like this topcoat because dries very fast and super shiny. 

Aqui use el topcoat "Forsting" de L.A. Color.
Me gusta este topcoat porque seca rapido y tiene un acabado super brillante. 

lunes, 15 de febrero de 2016

Sun Rays Nails Inspired By Cristine aka 'SimplyNailogical' - Ft Snail Vinyls

I wanted to recreate this design so bad from a long time ago, originally inspired by Cristine aka SimplyNailogical , I just did not have the right polish to do them and now I do, sort of.. 
I really loved how these turned out :) 

domingo, 14 de febrero de 2016

Happy Valentine's Day - Ft Snail Vinyls

Another super easy V-Day in case you don't like pink xD.. 
Black and red is always a classic. 

viernes, 12 de febrero de 2016

Love Is In The Air.. Heart Balloons Nails - Ft Snail Vinyls

In spirit of the Valentine's Day here some heart balloons.
These are so so cute and so easy to do.
Although I did not give a proper use for the vinyl but also did not waste it.

jueves, 11 de febrero de 2016

Simple Hearts For V-Day - Ft Snail Vinyls

I got some new Vinyls fro Valentine's Day from Snail Vinyls
And this is actually my third attempt using them. 
I really suck when it comes to do heart designs (lol) 
So tried to keep it simple and easy.

Recibi unos nuevos vinilos para el Dia De San Valentin de Snail Vinyls
Y este es mi tercer intento usandolos.
Soy muy mala cuando se trata de diseños de corazones (jeje)
Asi que lo deje muy simple y facil.

The base color I used here is "Save The Cheerleader" by Frenzy Polish
Is a holographic pink shade with silver holo flakes. 
This one covers in 2 or 3 coats. Dries super fast. 

El color base que use es "Save The Cheerleader" de Frenzy Polish 
Es un esmalte rosa holografico con escarcha plateada.
Cubre en 2 o 3 capas y seca super rapido. 

For the hearts I used "Silver Sweep" by Sally Hansen
And heart stencils from Snail Vinyls

Para los corazones use "Silver Sweep" de Sally Hansen
Y los estencil de corazon de Snail Vinyls

On my thumb and pinky nails I used "Cristal" liquid sand / efecto arena 
by Vogue Fantastic. 
2 coats and no topcoat. 

En mi pulgar y meñique use "Cristal" efecto arena de Vogue Fantastic. 
2 capas sin topcoat. 

Topcoat "Incoloro" Vogue Fantastic / Cosmeticos Vogue

I added a little bling in one of the hearts also from Sally Hansen

Agregue una piedrita a uno de los corazones tambien de Sally Hansen.

For some reason I got a better result on my index nail.. I really loved this one xD.. 

Por alguna razon tuve un mejor resultado en mi uña del indice.. Me gusto mucho esta de aqui xD.. 


martes, 9 de febrero de 2016

Twin Nails Collab With My Friend Anette

Today I have a collaboration with my friend Anette aka @mypolishworld 
She is from Norway.. That's on the other side from the world xD.. haha but it is not an impediment to make some awesome twin nails with her .. Right? 

jueves, 4 de febrero de 2016

Hidden Diamond.. Or Iron Man Nails?? - "L.A. Colors Review + Swatch" Ft. Daily Charme & Snail Vinyls

So, .... This is the kind of manicure where you only experiment the color and try stamping to see how it would look and then you add something else and end up in a success. 
Can you relate?
I did not expected this result but I loved it. 

DIY - Sea In A Bottle... Or In A Bulb

I love crafts, specially when it comes to recycle. 
Here I used a bulb, I broke the 'electrical contact'.. well not me, actually my husband did xD. 
After that part is removed there will be a little glass in that also need to be broken, just be very careful, and take the wire off the bulb. 
I don't know how to explain this but I'm sure there are some tutorials on youtube.
I washed it and let dry. 
And I filled it with sand and some sea shells I found around the house. 

Me encantan las manualidades, especialmente cuando se trata de reciclar. 
Aqui use una bombilla, parti la parte del contacto electrico.. bueno no yo, mi esposo xD.
Despues de eso hay un pequeño vidrio que tambien necesita quebrar, solo hay que tener cuidado, y luego remuevo los alambres.
No se como explicar esto pero estoy segura que habra unos tutoriales en youtube.
Lo lave y deje secar.
Y lo llene con arena y algunos caracoles de mar que encontre por la casa.