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My Little Pony! |
This is something I have been planing to do since last year.. And I'm proud to say that my very first project is finished!. Nails inspired by a very popular cartoon "My Little Pony", and this goes for my beautiful daughter because she loves it...
Esto es algo que he estado planeando desde el año pasado.. Y estoy orgullosa de decir que mi proyecto esta terminado!. Uñas inspiradas en una caricatura muy popular "My Little Pony", y esto se lo dedico a mi hermosa hija porque ella le encanta...
Twilight Sparkle |
I believe this one was the easiest one, it was not hard to create a look for her hair and her logo was pretty easy to make.
La primera es la Princesa Twilight.
Creo que este fue el diseño mas facil, no fue nada dificil crear un look para su cabello y su logo estuvo facil de hacer.
My base color is "Deseo" by Vogue Fantastic. This was the closest color I had for Twilight, it's a creamy pastel purple shade, easy to apply and covers with 2 easy coats, plus topcoat.
Mi color base es "Deseo" de Vogue Fantastic. Este es el color mas parecido al de Twilight que tenia, es un color morado pastel cremoso, facil de aplicar, cubre con 2 capas, mas topcoat.
On the middle nail my base color is "Neptuno" , I used striping tape for a very clean straight lines to assimilate her hair, the colors used "Sensual" by Vogue Fantastic and "Exotic Pink" by L.A. Colors.
For her logo I used "Exotic Pink" and "Apline Snow" by OPI.
Para asimilar su cabello use cinta de uña para unas lineas muy limpias, los colores que use son "Neptuno" como base "Sensual" de Vogue Fantastic y "Exotic Pink" de L.A. Colors.
Para el logo use el mismo rosa y "Alpine snow" de OPI.
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Pinkie Pie |
I had some doubts about what to do with her hair because it has one color only, but then I tried to create that cute curl and turned out super cute.
La que sigue es Pinkie Pie.. La pony mas divertida =)
Tuve algunas dudas sobre que hacer con su cabello porque solo tiene un color, pero luego trate de crear ese rizo y salio muy lindo.
My base color is "Pixie Slicks" by Sally Hansen. A pastel pink, great formula I used 2 easy coats plus topcoat.
Mi color base es "Pixie Slicks" de Sally Hansen. Un color rosa pastel, muy buena formula, use 2 capas mas topcoat.
Just look at that hair .. Isn't it cute? For it I used .... I forgot (laugh face)
... (thinking)
... (...uh, trying to remember)
If I'm not mistaken I guess I mixed 2 colors to get as closer as I could because I didnt have any pink similar to her hair. So the colors are "Exotic Pink" and "Fiji Purple" by L.A. Colors.
And to the outline I mixed "M112" by Flormar and "Blanco Armiño" by Vogue Fantastic.
For the baloons I used a pastel blue by Esmaltes Darosa and "Banana" by Colorama.
Solo miren ese cabello .. No es cute? Para este use .... Se me olvido (cara de risa)
... (pensando)
... (...uh, tratando de recordar)
Si no me equivoco creo que mezcle 2 colores para acercarme lo mas posible al color del cabello ya que no tenia ningun rosa similar a este. Asi que los colores son "Exotic Pink" y "Fiji Purple" de L.A. Colors y para los bordes use "M112" de Flormar y "Blanco Armiño" de Vogue Fantastic.
Para los globos use un azul pastel de Esmaltes Darosa y "Banana" de Colorama.
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Rarity |
For this one, I had no idea what to do with her hair that I tried it twice, the second attempt turned out by mistake, and I loved it.
La siguiente es Rarity, ella es tan bonita ..
Para este, no tenia ni idea de que hacer con su cabello que lo intente 2 veces, el segundo intento me salio por error, y me encanto.
My base color is "Blanco Armiño" by Vogue Fantastic, I think I did 3 coats, plus topcoat. I don't like too much the formula of this white but it's a beautiful white shade.
Mi color base es "Blanco Armiño" de Vogue Fantastic, creo que use 3 capas, mas topcoat. En realidad no me gusta mucho la formula de este blanco pero tiene un tono blanco muy lindo.
On my middle nail I used a dark purple shade by Esmaltes Darosa as a base, 2 easy coats. For her hair I used "Deseo" by Vogue Fantastic and for the outline a middle purple shade by Esmaltes Darosa.
For the logo.. I'm not really happy how the diamonds turned out. I was going to recreate them, but then I thought .. these are cartoons so they dont have to be perfect.
I used a pastel blue by esmaltes darosa, outine with a darker by Flormar.
En la uña del medio mi color base es un purpura oscuro de Esmaltes Darosa, 2 capas.
Para el cabello use "Deseo" de Vogue Fantastic y para el borde use un tono morado medio de Esmaltes Darosa.
Para el logo... No estoy muy contenta como resultaron estos diamantes. Iba a recrearlos pero luego pense.. son caricaturas asi que no tienen que ser perfectos.
Use un azul pastel de Esmaltes Darosa, para los bordes uno mas oscuro de Flormar.
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Fluttershy |
I was really upset with this result. I did not like it at all...
But as you can see I make mistakes too...
La que sigue es Fluttershy.
No estuve muy contenta con el resultado. No me gusto para nada...
Pero como podran ver, yo tambien me equivoco...
My base color is "Banana" by Colorama. I hate the formula on this, is too thick. I did 3 coats plus topcoat.
Mi color base es "Banana" de Colorama. Yo odio la formula de este esmalte, es muy gruesa. Aqui tengo 3 capas mas topcoat.
For her hair I used "In A Lily Bit" by China Glaze and outlined it with "Exotic Pink" by L.A. Colors.
For the butterflies I used "In A Lily Bit" and a pastel blue by Esmaltes Darosa.
Not happy!..
Para su cabello use "In A Lily Bit" de China glaze y delineado con "Exotic Pink" de L.A. Colors. Para las mariposas use el mismo lila y un azul pastel de Esmaltes Darosa.
No muy contenta!..
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Applejack |
Next is Applejack.
I can say this mani is the one that matches the most with the pony.
The color, the apples and the hair.. its so cute.
Ya casi acabamos!
La siguiente es Applejack.
Puedo decir que este mani es el que mas combina con su pony.
El color, las manzanas y su cabello... Es muy cute.
My base color is "Metro Polen-Tin" by China Glaze.
And this polish is the one that gave me idea to do this project in first place because its color was perfect for Applejack.
Its formula was too thick and a bit hard to work with. I did 3 coats plus topcoat.
Mi color base es "Metro Polen-Tin" de China Glaze.
Y este esmalte fue el que me dio la idea de empezar este proyecto porque su color era perfecto para Applejack.
Su formula es muy gruesa y algo de dificil de trabajar. Aqui tengo 3 capas mas topcoat.
For her hair I used "Banana" mixed with "Alpine Snow" for a pale yellow and for the outline I used a medium yellow shade by Esmaltes Darosa. For the bow I used "Sonic Bloom"
I really loved it. I have nothing to complain about it.
For the logo I used "Sonic Bloom" by Sally hansen and "Pistacho" for the leaves by Vogue Fantastic.
Para su cabello use "Banana" mezclado con "Alpine Snow" para un amarillo palido, y para su contorno use un tono amarillo medio de Esmaltes Darosa. Para la moña use "Sonic Bloom"
En realidad ame este diseño. No tengo nada de que reclamar.
Para el logo use "Sonic Bloom" de Sally Hansen y "Pistacho" para las hojas de Vogue Fantastic.
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Rainbow Dash |
This one took me more time than the others, it was the most complicated that I had to do the whole mani twice.
But it worth the effort because it turned out perfect... Well not perfect but you know haha..
La ultima es Rainbow Dash.
Este me llevo mas tiempo que los otros, fue la mas complicada que tuve que hacerlo 2 veces.
Pero valio la pena el esfuerzo porque el resultado es perfecto... Bueno no perfecto pero ya saben jaja..
the metioned pastel blue! |
Normally, it's a polish with a stripe brush, but I only own 2 pastel blues shade and this one was the closest. So i changed the brush to paint my nails.
Yay for the imagination... I did 2 coats plus topcoat.
Este es mi color base.
Normalmente, es un esmalte de brocha fina, pero yo solo tengo 2 azul pastel y este era el que mas se asimilaba. Asi que le cambie la brocha para poder pintarme las uñas.
Hurra por la imaginacion... Aqui tengo 2 capas mas topcoat.
Similar to Twilight Sparkle, it was not hard at all to think a good look for her hair. So I kept it simple with diagonal straight lines.
The colors I used:
"Blanco Armiño" Vogue Fantastic (white as a base)
"Sonic Blomm" Sally Hansen
"Delicia" Vogue Fantastic
"Banana" Colorama
"Pistacho" Vogue Fantastic
"430" (blue shade) Flormar
"Sensual" Vogue Fantastic
For the logo, I used the same colors mentioned plus "Alpine Snow" by OPI for the cloud and outlined it with the "430" blue shade.
It was hard to draw this particular logo, I thought I would have to do it a third time but I really love the result. It turned out amazing. I think... =)
Similar a Twilight Sparkle, no fue dificil pensar un buen look para su cabello. Asi que lo deje simple con lineas en diagonal.
Los esmaltes usados mencionados previamente en azul.
Para el logo use los mismos colores mencionados mas "Alpine Snow" de OPI para la nube y delineado con el "430" esmlate azul.
Fue algo dificil hacer este logo en particular, Crei que tendria que hacerlo una tercera vez pero en realidad me encanto el resultado. Quedo asombroso. Creo yo... =)
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everything topped with Super Shine |
I really hope you like this little project.
Create a mani inspired by a character is very hard. But it worth the effort.
Let me know which one you liked the most.
Have a great day..
Espero les haya gustado este pequeño proyecto.
Crear un diseño inspirado en un personaje es muy dificil. Pero vale la pena el esfuerzo.
Haganme saber cual fue su favorito.
Tengan un exelente dia..
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