martes, 30 de septiembre de 2014

Amazon Parrot Nails Inspired

I had the opportunity to do a twin nail with a very sweet girl Narmai from PiggieLuv also known as @narmai .. I own a fronted yellow amazon parrot called Luna and she owns a blue fronted called Bartje ... of course we had to do it...

We got the inspiration from .. Our idea was to create a parrot theme nails and I really loved how we worked together. We had the same idea in the design, with the bubble speech and the feathers without mentioning it.. How amazing was that.

We used real feathers from our parrot.. Of course we did not ripped them xD.. I found mine on the floor.
On the little bubble speach, we wrote what our parrots say the most. Mine likes to say MIAW
when she wants some attention. 

My little birdie was free hand made with nail polish and a thin art brush.. It was a challenge for me to do this because it was the first time I draw a little parrot in such a little canvas.

Bubble speach was made with a dotting tool, outlined and written with a thin art brush also with nail polish.

The little feather as mentioned before is from my parrot.

Here are some pictures of my sweet Luna 

I hope you like this amazing twin nails we did.. 
Have a great day...

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