jueves, 25 de junio de 2015

Dragon Vale Nails Inspired "Spring Dragon Egg"

Nail blogger issue! All we see turns into a nail inspiration...
When I am out shopping, it doesn't matter what all I see the first thing that comes to my mind is "oh look a new nail idea". ALWAYS. 

Los problemas de una bloguera! Todo lo que vemos se transforma en una inspiracion. 
Cuando estoy afuera comprando, no importa que todo lo que veo lo primero que se me viene a la cabeza es "Ay miren una nueva idea para mis uñas" SIEMPRE. 

And this time was not different. I play dragon vale about 2 years ago or more and while looking at those egg pedestals some of them are so pretty, and perfect for a nail inspiration like this one!. 
I believe I wanted to do this egg design since it came out but I did not trust my skills. By that time I was just a beginner. Practice makes perfect and I couldn't be prouder.

Y esta vez no fue excepción. Yo juego 'dragon vale' desde hace unos 2 años o mas y mientras miraba los pedestales algunos eran tan bonitos, y perfectos para una buena inspiracion como este!.
Creo que yo quise hacer este diseño desde que salio pero yo no confiaba en mis habilidades, para esos tiempos yo solo era una principiante. La practica hace al maestro y yo no pude estar mas orgullosa. 

close up
I first started with my accent nail, since I was not sure about how it was going to turn out. The base color I used is "Statemint" by Sally Hansen.
For the details I had to mix 2 or more colors to achieve the right ones.
Topcoat "Super Shine" by Sally Hansen. 

Primero empece con mi uña de acento, ya que no sabia como me iba a resultar. 
El color base que use es "Statemint" de Sally Hansen. 
Para los detalles tuve que mezclar 2 o mas colores para llegar a los correctos.
Topcoat "Super Shine" de Sally Hansen.

all polishes used. 
"Cereza"(cherry color) + "Neptuno"(dark blue) + (neon pink) = pink details 
"Onix" (black) for outline
"Oceano" (light blue) + "Alpine Snow" (white) = for dots 
"Medium blue" other details. 

I did not know which color to use for the other nails, I did not want to do a perfect match, I wanted to contrast a little so I decided to go with this gorgeous cherry color by Flormar "M112".
Its formula is AMAZING! so creamy, smooth, self leveling covers with 2 thin coats only. 
But I don't know wht it is SuperMatte because it is clearly SuperShiny .. And I did not even add a topcoat over it..  

No supe que color usar para el resto de las uñas, no quise hacer la combinacion perfecta, mas bien queria contrastar un poco asi que decidi irme por este hermoso color cereza de Flormar "M112". 
Esta formula es MARAVILLOSA! es tan cremosa, suave, se nivela a la perfeccion, y cubre con 2 capas ligeras. 
Pero no se porque es SuperMatte mas bien es Super Brillosa. Y ni use topcoat sobre esta. 

my magical brush
I used this brush to create the design. 
This one has no number on it, I got it at my local beauty supply store came in a set of 14 different brushes, this one is my favorite. 

Use este pincelito para crear el diseño.
Este no tiene un numero, lo compre en una tienda de maquillaje y viene en un paquete con 14 pinceles diferentes, este es mi favorito.

I really hope you like it. 
Have a great day..

Espero les haya gustado.
Tengan un buen dia...  

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2 comentarios:

  1. This is what I name talent. You see a simple pattern and can put it on your nails in no time. It looks wonderful!
