domingo, 24 de abril de 2016

Easy Leopard Print Nails - Ft Mitty Burns

A very fun pattern to create and it is so easy to do that it doesn't fit in my 'Nail Art List' 
I'm not a huge fan of leopard print, but I do like to see it in other's people nails xD.. 
And looking at the picture above makes me think that these may look cute, haha.. 
Tutorial at the end of this post

Un diseño muy divertido de crear y es tan fácil de hacer que no cabe en mi "Lista de Nail Art" 
No soy muy fan del animal print, pero si me gusta verlo en las uñas de las demás xD.. 
Y mirando a la foto de arriba me hace pensar que se ven algo cute, jaja.. 
Tutorial esta al final de este post

The base color is "Ole Y Ole" by Vogue Fantastic, well all the polishes used for today's mani are from this brand.. 
This is a very bright red color. 
Formula is very creamy but thin, smooth and easy to work with.
I did 2 coats although it was not 100% opaque. 

El color base es "Ole Y Ole" de Vogue Fantastic, bueno todos los esmaltes de hoy son de esta marca... 
Es un esmalte rojo muy vivo y brillante. 
Su formula es cremosa pero un poco ligera, muy suave y fácil de trabajar. 
Aquí le di 2 capas aunque no estaba completamente opaco. 

For the leopard spots I used flakies instead of a regular brown or gold polish. 
Black for the outline and my dotting tool from Mitty Burns 
This one is called "Lots Of Dots"
I am loving these tools. Amazing quality.. 

Para las manchas de leopardo use estos 'Flakes' (ese papelito dorado de arriba) en vez de usar un esmalte marrón o dorado.. 
Negro para el contorno y mi herramienta de puntos de Mitty Burns 
Este se llama "Lots Of Dots" (muchos puntos)
Me encanta la calidad de estos pincelitos.. 

TOPCOAT "Incoloro" Vogue Fantastic 

I thought this one was a complete fail, for some reason these leopard prints are not my forte AT ALL. Really, I can paint a perfect rose on my tiny nail but these just don't look as good as I expect.. 
Even if I don't like it too much, I don't see it as a fail, this one went pretty good =D
Or maybe it is because I don't like these kind of print I will not get to see these as "amazing" 

Pense que estos serian un desastre total,  por alguna razón el animal print no es mi fuerte. En serio, yo puedo pintar una rosa perfecta en mi uña tan pequeña pero estas simplemente no son tan buenas como yo espero. 
Aunque no me gusten tanto, no las veo como una falla total, estas hasta que se ven un poquito lindas =D 
O tal vez sea que porque a mi no me gusta este tipo de print, no veré este diseño como "espectacular" 

Don't forget to subscribe for my youtube channel for the tutorial


No olviden suscribirse a mi canal de youtube para el tutorial


2 comentarios:

  1. Hi! I like this pattern/style very much! And it looks so great on your nails :)
    I watched the tutorial on youtube but i still have on question :D When you are adding the flakies on your nail, do you first put the nail polish/top coat to the nail or do you use the nail polish to put the flakies on to the nail..? Sorry I don't know how to ask more clearly or if this even matters.. :D Or if you told it somewhere and I missed it or didn't understand :DD
    Anyways, I still want to say that I appreciate that you update your IG, youtube and blog! Thanks a lot ! <3

    1. Hi Hanna .. thank you i'm happy you like it ;)
      I use clear nail polish to stick them to the nail, using the same dotting tool i put a drop of clear polish where I want the flake to be and that's it, you can see that part on the tutorial
      Thanks for asking xoxo
